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The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Denmark Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO

Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO 

Side-Event on UNESCO biosphere reserves at cop16

At this years COP16 in Colombia, The Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO is hosting a side-event in cooporation with UNESCO. 

The event, "UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis through Science, Journalism, and the Arts", explores existing tools and efforts to build a strong information ecosystem in support of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Taking as point of departure the critical role of scientists, journalists and artists in covering biodiversity issues, the side-event will zoom in on how to ensure enabling work environments for scientific communities, and professionals from the media and culture sector.

Danish Report Critical Voices

Focusing on UNESCO’s Instruments in the Defence of Freedom of Expression of Artists, Journalists and Scientific Researchers


UN members have committed to undergo a voluntary assessment of their human rights standards and practices every five years.

In our report Critical Voices, Chapter 6 details this innovative UN human rights procedure known as the Universal Periodic Review.

The Universal Periodic Review grants states the opportunity to give recommendations to their counterparts undergoing review.

To date, Member States have accepted 60,000 out of 80,000 recommendations.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has filtered the 60,000 recommendations accepted until now.

The database they have created, provides an overview of a little more than 1,200 accepted recommendations
that specifically address media freedom, scientific freedom and artistic freedom.